I am passionate about making brands successful. With creative marketing strategies and ideas, I’ve been helping brands to create their own, unique position in the market,” he says
Varun Patra Homegrown has been related to dispatching and selling techniques for brand spanking new agencies withinside the music, delight, superior dating, and web-primarily based totally commercial enterprise spaces.
Leadership management according to Varun Patra Homegrownis a not thing to be underestimated in light of the fact that an absence of comprehension of this expertise would add to a business' breakdown.
Entrepreneurship according to Varsha Patra, a successful entrepreneur can genuinely demonstrate exceptionally fulfilling however and this is extremely huge be that as it may, it is extremely unsafe and difficult.
Varun Patra Homegrown Company is disputably perhaps the best medium organization in the whole of India. It may provide some dispute to diverse media organizations in the global market also in the coming time.
Varun Patra Medium has been engaged with dispatching and advertising approaches for new companies inside the music, delight, computerized dating, and web-based business spaces.
Varun Patra is a cultural entrepreneur & impact urbanist on a mission of Shaping youth. He has seen significant success in turning unachievable & larger-than-life ideas into reality over the last decade.