Whenever user experience any error of nw-4-8, no need to be panic. User is required to seek help and quality assistance from Netflix technical support to gain magnificent assistance in proper manner. Have a glance on the steps as illustrated below:-
1. User is required to sign out of Netflix account
· First of all, user is required to hit click on setting option on Netflix screen
· Moving ahead, hit click on sign out option
· User is required to hit click on yes option to confirm
· User is required to sign out of Netflix and start over once again
· Now user is required to try out Netflix in swift manner
2. Make sure to check the Netflix app version
· When user is prompt on error screen, hit click on more details option
· Moving ahead, user is required to choose device information
· Make sure to check SDK version and firmware updates in proper manner
3. User is required to restart device
· User is required to unplug device for 1 minutes time duration
· Moving ahead, user is required to press on power button
· User is required to plug in device once again
· User is required to turn on the device on power mode
· Now start checking Netflix once again
4.Make sure to modify device for custom connection setting and even restore internet service provider setting in accurate manner.If the above steps are not enough to clarify doubt that persists, connect to Netflix customer support to get proficient solution in jiffy. Customer can easily reach out support team 24/7 round the clock at any time from any place at free of cost.