It appears this is like a broken record with NBA 2K games, particularly in the first few weeks after release. When you consider the next-gen version of the game has only been around for 10 days on PlayStation 5 and 12 on Xbox Series X, it is not too worrisome that the game is still having some lag and connectivity issues.
Having said that, a few of the cases where users are visiting these problems are unacceptable. The limitation on the number of folks who may make it into the City is a tough pill to swallow. I've heard and been advised 2K is working on a cure for this particular problem, and I would assume it would be at the top of their list of priorities.
The other significant spot we are seeing connectivity/lag issues is MyTeam. Since 2K is easing the opening stages of their yearly MyTeam $250,000 tournament, it makes them debatable spots even more costly.NBA 2K League veteran and multiple-time player in the championship Jin captured and posted this moment that watched him or his competitor lag out of a recent contest.If 2K will run eSports competitions online, they have to do everything in their power to ensure proper connectivity.
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