Because regardless of this sentiment, this remains 100 percent a business and marketing maneuver. If they really wanted to do something positive, they can do it without marketing their merchandise while doing so. Because it is not genuine. This is not any different than the coronavirus advertisements. They might have said nothing at all. That is good. Solidarity or they realize a nice chunk of their audience is obsessed with something more important than a damn videogame? Man. These remarks really highlight the nihilistic character of reddit users. Yes, this really is a company. Yes, it has something to do with marketing. However, Jesus, can't we be glad that companies are saying something? Do you not understand how much of an impact this could make? In the event the firm ignored the circumstance, it would give every checked out mind the concept that what is happening is normal and routine.
EA does not care for people who aren't investors. Eliminating Kaepernick's name out of tunes in Madden 2 years in a row reveals it. Businesses do not need you to defend themlet their lawyers do that work. I am all for calling a spade a spade and being happy after I'm surprised by something like this. But we should not praise a business for reaching the absolute bare minimum. We ought to praise companies who reveal patterns of pleasure. Feel free to disagree, but don't behave like this specific case is this incredibly complicated morally-grey circumstance. I mean I thought there were pretty strict regulations whose titles and likeliness can be utilized in Madden. Just like Belicheck and Payton aren't in Madden since they are not a part of the NFLCA and that's who EA has a contract with. They may have to cover Kap if his title is used and therefore are likely avoiding that. That and Kap isn't exactly welcome in the NFL world (not speaking about fans) anymore.
They both backpeddled and apologized if they were called out. They don't have rights to Kap's likeness from the game but they could mention him in the tune (just as they have with plenty of other people characters in other songs). The fact that they did this two years in a row indicates it wasn't an innocent oversight but a genuine decision to collaborate using a essentially racist act of collusion within the NFL. I'm not defending a company. I am not saying EA is some bastion of social justice. Many people in general (not just reddit) can't see beyond black and white. Cynicism inspires outrage and outrage inspires more clicks. That's why negativity floats to the top in most social media. That is why negativity floats to the top in all social websites. This is a significant factor. Youtube for one has done research, since it's a massive portion of their company and they would like to know it. There's been testimony to congress about it that I've watched but can't find right now. What they need is engagement and the more negatively styled something is that the more people will click it as it comes up in your own recommendations.
Businesses don't want you to defend themlet their attorneys do that work. "Companies don't need one to defend them", but attacking businesses when they're doing the proper thing is necessary and productive?It doesn't matter whether it is for PR reasons, they're still increasing awareness for this issue and hurting no one by doing this process. Meanwhile the people who see this as an chance to attack are only perpetuating a negative feeling of constant complaining. It is not so much about"protecting businesses" but about attacking this naturally negativity. So you're really just adding to the man's argument by doing precisely what he explained. They're not doing anything though. They simply released a statement filled with empty rhetoric. You know what doing something is? Not making another Madden game since the NFL penalized players enjoy Kaepernick for taking a knee. That would be remarkable. But we all know that's not what's going to occur.
The fact that people here are really behaving like this can be a meaningful gesture is so fucking baffling. EA literally went out of its way to wash his name out of their matches two years straight, but this thread is making it look like they've contributed millions. It's pure fucking insanity. It is the definition of slacktivism. It'd be more fair if they had said nothing in any way. I never mentioned"Let's attack a business for doing the ideal thing." My point, which I've attempted to clarify in an edit, is that we should not PRAISE companies for doing the bare minimum of human decency if they've shown in the past to be contrary to what they are asserting. It is possible to always be optimistic of things looking up, which I often am. If your buddy hurts your feelings, they must regain your trust. You don't thank them every time from then on if they're being nice.
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