I havnt played runescape for more? I come back to play it. Im on my longest stretch of about a year and I think about it daily. My objectives, my hopes. Stuff like this. IDK man when the fuck do I stop thinking about this game. Im even likely shit outside in excel, like the fucks wrong. Im need this game man, I dont. I DONT NEED IT. This sport particularly, video games, are just representations of existence. Standing, aims, being competent, being besides a clan- they hack your evolutionary biology; especially because you are a goal seeking animal that RS gold needs to be progressing towards a goal, not even automatically attaining the target but the pursuit of one.
Your character comes from a deficiency of those fulfillments on your life although obliviously a lot of folks do play video games for entertainment. My advice is to take stock of yourself and determine what goals - then create progressions towards those endeavors. RuneScape will always be an attractive option because, not just are the targets easier to achieve than irl objectives, but Runescape is continually tapping into your need to get a pursuit of targets (think the way the xp floats toward your complete xp when you are skilling, how your total killcount increases with each kill) resulting in more instantaneous gratification. Have an aim, to that you were, compare yourself, find peace.
I'm not certain that it is. You see, a banana that is singular is worth 125gp on the market, but in practice its more like 160. Now, I don't have access to ape atoll as me and my buddy will do it together but that makes them interesting as a possible source of money right. So, first up I attempted port khazard, purchasing 15 bananas at one time and dumping them. A round trip is quickly, but the entire world hopping is slow, and the gain is not amazing. I then realised that you can put bananas.
Now, theoretically bananas to baskets is more rewarding, though bananas are more costly than the exchange would suggest making them a means of condensing bananas into less stock space for 891 a pop. Purchasing peanuts from the in some time and filling baskets, even before world swapping and doing it again, results in a gain of ~400-500k per hour. Its ok. The problem is, sending it and only cheap OSRS gold taking flour out of the oak larder with the butler to the lender has a profit of 1 million per hour, which is my present best in terms of profitable action. So its not even close to get a whole lot longer work.