Yes... The process of leveling up WoW until Cataclysm had many characteristics that slowed the speed. It is essential to drink water and eat food after just a few pulls, especially in the beginning. It is important to be careful about not dying too frequently. Back in the day there was a guideline for leveling that professed to bring you to 60 (or 70 in tbc) in five days/played (so 120 hours) and was thought to be fast. It's certainly time-consuming.
This is what classic is... mana is important. This is not a near infinite dps bar, like retail. This is the way that all traditional players would prefer. For the most part the mobs are supposed to be fairly similar to the player's power , at a minimum of 70 percent. It's true (played through the entire classic) TBC seems WAY easier and less punishing due to mana regen and mob damage. Leveling is also easier for me.
It's a stupid question but, did you receive an animal hunter trainer quest? Hunter is the most simple class to reach. It's also the easiest if you're completely unfamiliar with the game. If your pet isn't able to hold aggro, maybe it's okay. Be aware that when your pet is in pain and you want to help, don't take it on. You'll end up grooving your pet. It is important to experience the rhythm of killing mobs by yourself. While it can seem slow, that's because WoW is designed to be slow. It is impossible to kill mobs on your own unless you use certain tricks like dungeon boost, which I do not recommend for novice players.
Like I mentioned in my last post I don't suggest this to you if you're one of the types of players that can be absorbed in RPG's, but not try to rush to reach the level cap of your very first character. This doesn't sound like one of those players So I would suggest that you take a look at Questie. I'm certain there will be a tutorial on YouTube that will show you how to install it.
This guide is also intended for leveling hunters. Although it's intended for higher levels than you, I thought it was worth a glance. You may be able to learn valuable information about classes, and even adapt it to suit your specific needs. If you do not go through the beginning, you'll at the very least be able to see how it works in higher levels.
It is not easy, but patience is key. If you aren't playing certain classes or builds, you can only pull one mob at a in a perfect manner, from a distance and into a safe spot where you won't aggro anything else. You also need to ensure you are using every tool in your class (or by using things like first aid) to be 100% mana/hp if needed before pulling every mob just in case that you pull another one and it kills you. Although killing one mob can take around a minute it is necessary to automatically attack and most likely afk while doing so because there is no other option available and that's the thing some players like to do. The game is very slow.
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