I am curious to know whether Sir Amik is actually a knight. I know the White Knights (By Guthix I wish they had a better name, like the Kinshra have) are an organisation that is both military and political, but in feudal society (yes I do know that RuneScape pays no heed whatsoever to the way countries were run, or the size of the territory for that matter... the world is way too small) a knight is right in the middle, while a king is at the top, only beaten by an emperor.
Amik would have a peerage in the event that he was the head of the King's horse. Also that would make Burthorpe an official principality (I'm thinking that the principality is massive and the town is just the capital).
As for the Kinshra, they banished from Falador and on the mountains (I'm pretending there is an enormous mountain range that separates Asgarnia and Misthalin from the Wilderness... it seems odd that a single mountain exists standing on its own) therefore, I'm guessing it is what makes Daquarius the chief of the Kinshra, an aristocratic.
This is logical since he holds the title of Lord. Also what is the reason Sir Amik simply a knight in comparison to Daquarius, the Lord? Let's see, what do you think? Would a knight really be allowed to lead a kingdom? Sorry for some unrelated parts. I just copied and pasted it from a RSOF posting.
The grave issue isn't clear to me. For those who don’t believe, there is a belief that grave stones aren't blessed and that thieves will take your loot. I can't believe that this was the case pre 2007. There was no grace period of 6 minutes to collect your possessions.
One argument that has been discussed is that the emergence of new bosses isn't a reason to be gravely, does it? Really? Really? Demons is the latest boss to be released in 08, and even though I do bless my partner (well, he blesses us however he is yet to die) I can always get back within three minutes. The whole gravestone blessing argumentment doesn't apply to this game. Whatever the blessings on your grave is, you will still get it back.
Corpreal Beast, on contrary, was deliberately designed to avoid the gravestone mechanic. I hope Jagex looked at it and then hung their heads in shame at the bear bosses with little risk, so created one that doesn't care about gravestones. If you don't have the time to go to your home in two minutes, what else would you want to?
Finally Nex, I have yet not to fight her. However, given that the majority of players believe Jagex to be working on this update for quite some time, it's right to say that Nex was created to incorporate these features. While a blessing can help bring back to where you were It is widely thought that Nex would have included this feature.
For all other bosses, they were designed to be played without gravestones, and with real risk. You can reclaim items from Bandos and KBD, Chaos Ele, Mole and even Zammy through a grave without bless. DKs, Arma, and Sara are available in a grave with bless.
Furthermore, graves reduce the risk of RS by a huge amount. We know that someone will not be able to bless your grave in order that that they can get there mitts on your fury, this is the point. It's not them being an RS penis, but the way in which the RS death penalty is carried out and has been distorted by graves.
The blessing was originally meant to be a substitute for a person taking items and giving them back to you, not a general "nerf death" button it has become, simply something for a friend to help you out in the event of your death. The solution is simple You have three choices. You should only risk what you are able to afford to lose. We're hoping for a decrease in bosses who have gear that is overloaded because they have a very small chance of losing the equipment.
Bossing with friends - This is what people used to do before they died, if they wanted to be less risky. Boss as you are doing now, but be aware that if you lose the blessing your way, you're only your own fault since I myself will be helping myself to random strangers fat loot piles. This ridiculous argument has ended.
When the old wilderness was in existence (this was a long time ago, I'm talking about), the PKing community of RuneScape was a good group of players. We would first ask "dm?" or "fight?" before we attacked another person. We wanted to ensure that they were ready, and we could have a fun, clean fair fight.
People also dm'ed. There are a lot of instances where I ask RuneScape players "dm?" I'll ask someone "dm" to get a reply to "sure" or 'yes" and they'll run to the bank within a few minutes.
We also pinned our best accounts against each other and our main accounts. This was more fun because the statistics were evenly balanced, so it was a real battle, and it was fun to see range beat mage, and mage beat melee, ect. This made PKing less enjoyable due to the unbalanced pures.
Is this me I am a PKer? Or has the community lost its integrity during the past few years? This is just a handful off the top of my head, however I bet there are more. Is this going to restore integrity with the return of the wilderness, or is it just serving as a playground for RuneScape's annoyance?
A lot of people don't think of all the things. I was thinking of a few things: I'm sure that 2007 was the year we had a small screen, and the vision field was not as clear. It was always necessary to adjust the camera. Cameras are no longer necessary for players to see the other players.
Wilderness wall. Everybody can see the items that have been dropped. It's simply the fact that technology has improved. Internet connections are faster and better. YouTube was a huge hit then, but it really has exploded since. Many people want to make videos in order to "compete". Duel arena is now no cost. It will be the same when staking returns.
The bone yard that was my absolute favorite has been taken. I hope this is renovated. Do you know of old locations for battles that are still open for new players? Dark castle was empty. I had a bigger list to however, I'm not able to come up with anything. I know other people might have suggestions.
The Guide: We always see these merchanting clans pick certain items every few days and then wait a specified time to market them at a higher rate. This is because they make profits and everybody else is afflicted by inflammation.
What does a clan leader take a look at? What criteria do they use to determine the best item is for merchandising? Well, it's quite simple as jagex provides the answer to that very question... the Grand Exchange part of the website is available here. Within this area of the website, you can see a variety of things, including the increasing and dropping prices in the game's market for runescape.
You'll most likely be looking at the "Price Drops" section. Here you will find the best merchant items. It is the most fundamental and reliable method to earn income as others players know about it, so the more you purchase and the more other players purchase, the more the prise rises.
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