If you are charged with a domestic violence case in Bradenton, you need a defense immediately. Such cases often move quickly in Bradenton due to "fast-track" procedures. Case analysis and investigation have to start as soon as possible. If you are a suspect, it means you need someone to speak for you right away. If the district attorney or the police are not listening to you, a Bradenton domestic violence lawyer can help your voice be heard. Whatever be the case, your voice should not be lost in the process.
Domestic violence cases can have far-reaching consequences, it can even lead to a lifetime ban on firearm possession by the state and federal governments. Even the smallest domestic violence charge comes with this penalty. Don't settle for just a plea bargain before having your case analyzed by a true, Domestic Violence Lawyer Bradenton with extensive experience in the area!
Once the police arrest the accused, a mandatory restraining order and criminal proceedings follow, often forcing the accused out of his home! Reputations, relationships, and careers can be lost before the accused has a chance to clear his name. Jail and prison are on the table for most cases, and even the most minor cases can lead to a long probation with court-ordered therapy. This severe response to allegations of domestic violence is well-intended, but the reality for someone lightly or falsely accused is harsh.
False accusations in such cases are very common in Bradenton- intoxication, jealousy, custody battles, or animosity can provide the motivation to exaggerate or lie. It takes a skilled Bradenton domestic violence lawyer to counter and untangle the government's evidence, to tell your story and defend you! Most people often believe that there must be physical harm to the victim. But, according to Colorado state's law against domestic violence act, including punishment, coercion, intimidation, control, or revenge is subject to be charged.
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Contact Us:
434 S. Washington Blvd.
Sarasota, Fl 34236
Office: 941-364-8503
Fax: 941-364-8423