You must be wondered when you know that you can change your eye color permanently with surgical procedure. There are various ways to change your eye color permanently as traditionally people wear different shades of colors for their eyes to look more attractive and gorgeous.
Now days color eye surgery is getting trend to change eye color with no pain and minimal risks involved in it, but American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests that if people wanted to change their eye color, they must consult with an ophthalmologist for the possibility of being fitted for contact lenses designed for that particular purpose.
Iris Implants surgery:
Iris implant surgery is basically to help people with missing or damaged irises. Where, eye surgeon makes a cut in your cornea that is the layer fitted in-front of your iris and then it puts with a colored silicone implant, then unfold this implant to cover your iris. Data or you can say studies show some serious complications in people who’ve gotten iris implants. They include:
• May reduce vision or blindness;
• Elevated pressure in the eye that could lead to glaucoma, it is potentially blinding disease;
• Cataract;
• Cornea might be injured, where clear outer area of the eye that focuses light and makes possible to see. If it is severe enough, a corneal transplant may be needed;
• Inflammation of the iris, leading to pain, blurred vision and tearing.
• Then, you might undergo with another surgery to take the implants out. Or you might need a cornea transplant it damaged.
Cosmetic eye color surgery or Laser Surgery:
Cosmetic eye color surgery changes your eye color by destroying the pigment in your iris. Once pigment removed away, brown eyes look blue. This technique only usable with brown eyes coz blue eye doesn’t have pigment. Like any surgery, there are some possible side effects. Glaucoma and uveitis are main of them.
Cosmetic iris implants surgery has not been evaluated till by any U.S. regulatory authority or tested for complete safety in clinical trials. Color eye surgeries are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
How much does cosmetic eye color surgery cost?
An estimate that puts the cost of this cosmetic eye color change surgery at $5,000 to $7,000; another estimate shows the cost that ranges from $6,000 to $10,000. But it may vary from place to place so, check everything while go for surgery. You must take precautions and follow all safety measures as eye is the important part of your body and should not take any kind risk with it.
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