[Noida, India, 7th August 2021] — Today, Gowow Club and WowNation, country’s leading Influencer marketing agency, released a new ebook targeted towards the Livestreamers that are looking to find a way to boost their career and monetize it. In the announcement, Gowow club and Wownation emphasised on the importance of the ebook to the livestreamers, planning on making live streaming a full time career.
The newly released course includes everything about Live Streaming, the what, when, why and how. Everything a beginner needs, everything a Pro wants, the course has it all. From lighting equipment to audio equipment, it mentions everything one needs to set up the perfect live streaming session.
Of the company’s latest course announcement, a representative said,”We have been working hard in order to bring the best for our customers. Adapting to the digital age, these courses are included in ebooks, which are portable and under everyone’s budget. This Livestreaming course will enable the coming of age Streamers to gain an upper hand on everyone by learning through this course. It will be really helpful for them in their future as a part time or even a full time Live Streamer.”
Available on partner website, Wownation, this livestreaming course in India is the best one can get under this price tag.
Gowow Club is the Best Influencer marketing agency in India, also engaged in providing digital courses, ebooks and audiobooks on popular business topics.
If you would like more information about this topic, please call Sahil at +91-9555-445-223 , or email [
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