I'd like to purchase a godsword in the future after I've got 75 attack. How do I go to purchase one? I'm trying to keep my strength at a minimum. Armadyl Power Usage 50 percent impact: The attack does 25 percent more damage to enemies when it is employed. Techniques: The special attack can be utilized with all strength boosting equipment. It's ideal for hitting a single target or doing significant damage in one strike.
Bandos: Power Usage: 100% effect: The attack causes 10% more damage and drains the combat stats of the opponent to 0 in this order: Strength, Defence Prayer, Attack Magic and Ranged. Every when the ability is used it lowers the skill. Once the skill is zero, it begins to lower to the next line.
What are the rare drop rates if any for the bosses? A problem I face on a weekday is that I am able to connect to RS Ceratin for 1 hour and it can vary between 6-8 hours per week however, I would expect to spend between 1 and 1 hour every time I log on. I'm not sure how long it takes for the boss of bandos to be killed every time. I might have to log off at the middle.
Hello! I'm having some issues I require assistance with. Metalkon my brother, was not able to help me tonight because he left after we had dinner. This is my notepad to record things I require assistance with. The Bard-he would like new boots so he can write the ballad.
Yrsa is the owner of the clothing shop that is located south of the Sailor. She wants the taxes to be reduced in exchange for the boots. Brundtis a hunter who wants the tribe to know of Sigli's hunting grounds. Sigli- he's just south of the pub and needs a balanced bowstring. Skulgrimenis located in the building to the north of the pub, and wants a rare fish. Fisherman- He's located in the northwest corner of the building and is seeking a secret map to guide him to the most productive fishing spots.
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