The Jagex need to make a mix of Smithing and Mining Guild. In order to be eligible for membership, you would require at least lvl 60. But, it will allow those who are great miners or smiths to access the door that allows them to segregate. Mining Guild Re-Vampedc’mon seriously, about 5 mithril rock and 30 coals. I would say 10-15 mithril, and 10-12 Adamant. Three is more than enough. Some 8-12 gold. This would make it very well-known and extremely over-populated, so perhaps not as runite.
Smithing Guild. In smithing, what are the two most important components? It's anvils and a furnace. There's nothing else to add about this part of the guild. I also suggest a shop which allows people to purchase or sell bars and ores that are mined or smithed, but since its an npc shop, the value you get from selling them would be less, and the buying price would be slightly higher than the G.E. This is done to prevent people from staying too long and earning a lot of money.
This was an idea I had attempted to post on the official rs forums. But, since nobody responded, I decided to try posting it on sals. My initial idea is: Zombie Wars.
This will be a minigame for runescape that allows players to teleport to another universe. All is normal, except for a few things: everything is dark, deserted and there's a fog hanging around, the entire village are demolished and there are Zombies everywhere.
The idea is that the forces of evil have destroyed guthix and saradomin(and any other gods that don't approve of zombies everywhere) out of Runescape, so now zamorak and the gods of evil have taken over, filling the world with skeletons, zombies, and other evil monsters. You can't attack the other players in this minigame but only your opponents. To facilitate teams to collaborate There is multi-combat all over the place.
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