It is a low-cost marketing method to drive customers. Even established players in the market rely on this marketing strategy. No wonder, why a lot of people own custom shirts in Sherwood Park gifted by their favorite brands. For small businesses like startups, promotional products help to cut their marketing budget and still draw people’s attention.
The use of promotional products is not a new thing, this tactic has been in use for years. Right from the start-ups to large enterprises, the marketing giveaways are everyone’s favorite. One of the recognized websites have listed the following facts about promotional products:
Six out of 10 customers keep promotional products with them for up to two years.
85% of people like to do business with the advertiser after receiving a promotional item.
31% of the consumers own a promotional bag.
89% of consumers can recall the advertiser ever after two years of receiving a promotional product from them.
We are sure that you can gauge the importance of promotional products from these stats. It is also found out that 95% of people remember when they received a particular promotional product gift.
The same study further revealed that 83% of consumers like to get promotional products that has an advertising method. What’s more, promotional products draw whopping 500% more referrals from customers who are satisfied by the gift items. These stats are crucial and they lay emphasis on the significance of promotional products for marketing and brand recognition.
The small as well as large enterprises have started understanding the importance of promotional products for each out to a wide number of audiences in the competitive market. The gift items like custom shirts in Sherwood Park with high-quality logo and packaging appeals to the recipients and draw their attention.