In an event organized by the Redmond home park, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella explained in detail his views on Google and Apple does best thing.
As a market capitalization of less than Apple but more than Google company CEO, his remarks worthy of our attention. Provide some background, in charge of Microsoft's Nadella short time, he has completed the acquisition of Nokia , and continue to push Microsoft into the cloud computing market.
The following is Nadra's assessment of competitors:
When I think about what Apple does, what Google does, and what Microsoft does, the simplest answer to one question may be, why the three companies have different identities. For me, Apple is very, very clear. In fact, I think recently, Tim Cook made a good description in this regard, saying that they sell the device, which is Apple's all. And Google is about being there, about data or about advertising, about offering ads in a tasteful way, and they're doing it well.
Apple's huge success obtained in the hardware business has pushed its revenue and profits made historic growth . And, Apple's foresight-winning software options reinforce those successes, including the app store that was introduced just as the iPhone started out. Apples are the company's key enabler for Apple's widespread adoption of the iPad, and presumably it will also help Apple Watch's initial sales.
The power of Google's advertising business is obvious, but it's also not a complete story: the company's search product makes it possible to sell advertising space; and if Google's search tool does not establish a dominant position in most markets around the world, Advertising revenue will not be such a substantial growth.
However, this does not mean that Nadra is wrong. The Microsoft chief continues to explain the strengths of his company:
For ourselves, our identity lies in empowering others to produce something, not about ourselves and our products. Of course, we have our own profit model and business model. But to me Microsoft's difference, something more natural than anything else, comes from the creators of the docs and the developers of the applications, and we want to be the tool provider and the platform provider for those people. This is Microsoft's core identity, which is why productivity for me will have a deeper meaning.
After all, Apple's core strength is the iPhone, Google is search, and Microsoft is selling Windows and Office. Apple hopes to enter the cloud computing services market, which has been proof of iCloud Drive products; Google hopes to win the productivity and cloud computing victory; Microsoft also set a similar line, the company is committed to turning Office into a cloud subscription service, and expand themselves Azure cloud computing platform.
As I have in the past explored the author of these large platform companies are competing with each other in many fields. Apple, Google and Microsoft have all entered multiple markets for applications and hardware. The question now is which company is best at turning past successes into new ones. Companies that can win in new segments will also see their market capitalization rise and challenge the other two companies to take the lead in science and technology over the next decade.
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