Q: Last question: any tips for aspiring Operations players as they head into some of the hardest encounters we have ever built?
A: I think large group content is really compelling. For me, there’s just something inherently fun about taking on grandiose challenges that require coordinated team play. So, it might sound trite, but I would say first and foremost remember to have fun.
Find a group of people you like to play with, and start trying to work down the various operations encounters. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake –everyone’s going to mess up a bunch, it’s part of the natural process of learning encounters like this. With practice, you’ll learn the encounters, the impossible will become possible, and with that comes (at least in my opinion) an immense satisfaction.
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Q: What is different for you about building Master Mode Gods from the Machine, compared to your prior work on the Operation?
A: We’re usually not starting from scratch with Master Modes. Over the course of developing Story and Veteran modes some ideas naturally pop into mind for possible future Master mechanics (or variations to existing mechanics) that can really shake up the way an encounter plays and take it up a notch. As an example, in Master Mode, Tyth’s Energy Wave attack (his line area of effect attack) has a knockback whose power scales up with his rage. This single addition completely changes the way that players need to approach the encounter, transforming it into an intricate awareness and positioning challenge.
Contrasting those ideas against the real-world Veteran play data, we usually have a pretty good idea of where to go. Being able to know and watch how players deal with the Veteran version of an encounter is extremely helpful in grounding assumptions, and culling unknowns. This is the main reason I vastly prefer to design Master Modes after the release of Veteran Mode.
Specific to Gods from the Machine, and arguably more importantly, the design of a Master Mode has allowed us to revisit the Veteran Mode and pull its difficulty back to a more Veteran-appropriate place. The PTS testing feedback on that has been encouraging, by the way, so I would encourage you all to check it out if you’ll excuse the shameless plug.
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