Q: For you, what is most exciting about Master Mode Gods from the Machine? What are you looking forward to players seeing?
A: There’s an undeniably special sort of fun and excitement that comes from trying to conceive of the “Final Form”, so to speak, of a set of encounters with which players are already familiar. It’s a fascinating sort of design challenge to create something that is just the right distance short of the edge of possibility, such that it can offer a meaningful and challenging puzzle to the most technically proficient players in our universe.
Because players are already familiar with the basics of an encounter, you can actually build off of that framework of familiarity. Some things which might be too obtuse to a player with zero encounter familiarity might become feasible for someone who already knows the basic rules. You can both extend existing mechanics to require some additional response or disrupt expectations to force players to reconsider the “known methods” (and sometimes you can sneak in a bit of comedy).
The biggest treat as a designer is watching players’ progression through the encounters, from initial confusion and possible frustration, to eventual mastery and satisfaction. There’s a common misconception that encounter designers consider players adversaries and want them to fail, but that’s not remotely true. The goal (at least my goal, for one) is to design something that challenges players to understand and execute, where practice and problem-solving turn initial failure into satisfying success.
Here is what you can expect in Dec this year of swtor credits(2018):
In December, the Jedi will be under siege in our newest. But the Jedi aren’t the only ones who should be afraid. Iokath’s Gods have woken up and they are going to be coming after you in some of the hardest encounters that have ever existed in Star Wars?: The Old Republic?. We sat down with Lead Operations Designer Matt Pucevich to talk about what it was like building the Master Mode version of Gods from the Machine Operation.Q: Matt, let’s start with something easy. Can you tell everyone who you are and what your role is on Star Wars: The Old Republic?
A: My natural instinct is to answer that question with “I’m me!”, but I guess more usefully:
My name’s Matt Pucevich, and I’m the lead Operations designer for SWTOR. I spend most of my time working with encounter design, though now and again I do get to stretch my legs and dabble in other
bits of development, like world and quest scripting. I’ve done some work with a couple of the Imperial story missions on Ossus, for example.
Now that I think about it, I guess world and quest design for me is a “keeping in touch with my roots” kind of thing –it’s what I originally did when I started on SWTOR. That was… what… almost ten years ago…
…I suddenly feel old.
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