Weight loss after delivery is hyped these days. You may have seen your favorite celebrity back to her original shape within no days! Although you might be eager to lose your weight after your pregnancy, it is important to stay patient with yourself. It is transitional state in life of every woman where she loses her original shape of body. To fit back to your jeans, all you have to do is be patient and try to follow these simple tips to lose it a healthy way and after a right interval.
Do not diet for weight loss soon
Healthy eating is sufficient for this recovery phase. If you start dieting on your own by avoiding your favorite foods and starving, your post-delivery recovery becomes difficult. Weight loss diets are generally deprived of calories and your body can undergo more stress. You should never starve especially if you are breast feeding. Remember your weight is just a measurement and body has just a shape, and you can modify it your own way, but later! Instead of this, if you simply follow healthy eating, eating as per your hunger signals can help you to reduce your weight naturally.
Lose weight slowly
Do not restrict your calories below your requirement especially if you are breast feeding. Along with it, you need to ensure whether your diet consists of rich sources of various minerals, vitamins and protein for lactation and your nutrition. Be realistic about weight loss. You may not return to your pre-pregnancy weight and shape as pregnancy may cause some permanent changes like slightly wide hips and larger waist line.
Breast feeding
It is natural way to weight loss since it helps you to burn your extra calories daily. However, some may not lose weight during lactation. This may be related to more calorie intake in relation to calories burnt throughout lactation.
If you have a c-section, you should start your exercise upto 45 – 60 days. You can later start with simple walking/ cardio exercise of low intensity for short duration and gradually increase the time. Prefer non-strenuous exercises. You can simply try to be active later. Take your baby for a walk in a stroller! Be active is the only key to weight loss. Many women consider themselves to be unfit to exercise after pregnancy. But pregnancy is not a disease, it is just a physiological condition. One should exercise enough to maintain optimum fitness, reduce stress, improves flexibility and mood.
Adequate sleep
Adequate sleep is essential for you. Lack of sleep can also add on additional weight on you due to release of stress hormones. Sleep early at night, sleep when your baby sleeps and take turns with your partner at night to get maximum rest.
Wrap your belly
Wrapping your belly is practiced since centuries. Gentle compression on our belly can help it to return back to its normal size quicker. It also helps to support your belly and back.
After going through all these key points, remember to be patient until you return to normal weight. Do not starve to reduce weight. Reduce it in a healthy with healthy eating and exercise. Eat healthy, Stay fit.
The above blog is written by pregnancy diet consultant in Pune, Dt. Siddhi Takalkar-Deshpande. She is also one of the best Women’s Health Consultant in Pune for Pregnancy, Lactation and PCOD Diets.