Pimple is a disease of the hair follicles of the face, chest, and back that affects almost all teenagers during puberty.bacteria play a main role in its development and it not caused by bacteria.
Some women to develop acne in their mid to late 20c but it is not unusual.
Acne on the face as
· Occluded pores such as whiteheads or blackheads.
· red bump are known as pimple or zits.
· Putules like pimple pus.
Do a lot treat acne using products available at a drugstore or cosmetic or find skin doctor near me for your problems.
However,for this cases,one should consult a dermatologist for treatments option.
acne meaning a skin condition charaterised by red pimples on the skin it is called pimple.(acne)acne accurs when oil glands attached to the hair follicies or due to other hormones changes otherwise no one factor causes pimples.sebum oil is natural substance so this natural substance protect from pimple on face.
Plug can appear in the form of whiteheads if its covered by his layer of skin or if it exposed to the air then plug is called blackheads.pluged hair follicle gradually enlarges,and pluged hair producing a bump.
As a follicle enlarges,and allowing irritating substance and normal bacteria access into deeper layers of the skin ,create a bacterial diseases and producing inflammation.this cause pimple on face or other body parts
inflammation produces a pustule,and inflammation result is papules.if inflammation is deeper so it is called cyst.
Types of pimples
1. Blackheads
2. Whiteheads
3. Pustules
4. Papules
5. Cysts
6. nodules
· food: Parents tell often teen to avoid junk food,greasy,burgers,oily food and other outdoor food.beacuse this food not good for our health.
· Dirt: blackheads is a oxidized oil, not dirt.sweat is not a cause beacuse its produced by separate gland in the skin.excessive washing can dry and irritate.
· Stress: some peoples get so upset by pimples but stress however,does not play direct role in causing acne.
Regularity is good thing but everyone can not sleep eight hours.eat daily healthy meal and drink water and avoid sun radiation.peoples often refer to redness as “scarring “but it is unually is not permanent.
Open the pores
Visit to an esthetician who is expert at safety removing blackheads with facial.
Cleansing and skin care
· Mild cleanser : washing twice a day with a mid cleansing bar or liquids (for examples= dove soap,benzoyl peroxidesoap,basis,purpose) will keep the face clean and minimize sensitivity and irritation.
· Exfoliating cleanser and masks : use mild scrub,exfoliants and mask can be used and lot of varity for mild scrub.these product may contain salicylic acid in a concentration and that make it mild peeling agent.
these product thus open pores and remove the outer layer of skin.glycolic or alpha hyrdoxy are gentle exfoliating.
· Retin-A: do not to be confused with retin-A medication.this derivative of vitamin A help promote skin peeling.
Reducing bacteria
· Antibacterial cleanser : the most popular ingredient antibacterial cleanser in benzoyl peroxide and use benzoyl peroxide pimple cream.
· Topical : these antibacterial cleanser come in the form of gel lotions, cream and soap.that can applied to the effected areaon skin or otherwise problem is more then find skin specialist near me for your problem or take radiation therapy.
Causes of Benzoyl peroxide red and scaly irritation in an small number of people. Which goes away as soon as one
Stops using the products and main keep in mind that benzoyl peroxide is a bleach. So do not let containg benzoyl peroxide come into contact with fabrics.
Reduce excess oil
· Use gentle skin tone and astringent for reduce excess oil
· Glycolic acid or one of the other antibacterial is alpha hydroxyl acids is very helpfull in cleasing face and control to pimple in ear, pimple on back, and remove white pimple on face .
· Sulfur masks and other ingredients draw out of oil from face otherwise small bump on face or pimples on under armpit come.
· Benzoyl peroxide have the additional benefit to wipe away oil otherwise bumps on forehead come.