It is very important for weight gain.if you want to gain weight it is very important to do it right.
Soda may help you gain weight,but it can damage your health at the same time.
There are many peoples of normal weight who’s get two types of sugar and other diseases and health problems are associated with obesity.
How to increase weight with
Protien smoothies
Drinking daily homemade protein smoothies. Its shake is very highly nutritious bulk body of the smoothies making your owm shakes with full of sugar and lacks of is gives full control of nutrient control and control over the flavor.
Here is some tasty variations you can try its.
1.Chocolate banana almond shake = combine 1 banana 1 scoop of chocolate flavor whey protein and 1 tea spoon of peanut butter.
2.Vanilla berry shake = combine 1 bowl fresh mixxed berries.1 cup high-protien,and 1 spoop of vanilla whey protein.
3.Caramel apple shake = combine 1 sliced apple,1 cup of natural yogurt,1 scoop caramel or vanilla flavoured whey protein,and table spoon of sufar free flavoring and use dry fruits with your choice.
4. Vanilla blueberry shake = its is one of healthy shake in weight gain diet.combine 1 cup of frozen blueberry,1 cup of vanilla whey protein,1 cup of vanilla yogurt,and sweetener.
5.Super green shake = combine 1 cup spinach,1 avocado,1 banana,1 cup of pineapple1 scoop of vanilla or unflavoured whey protein.these are the some variations for how to become fat.
all these smoothies provide 300-400 calories to gain weight.
Food chart for weight gain
1 Milk
Milk has been used as a muscles builders.
Milk provide good balance of protein,carbs and fats .it is one the excellent source of casein and whey protein for skinny guy . it is best source of calcium.
Milk is very important thing after exersice and any other training.
It full of a heavy diet with carbs,fats and calcium.its is help you add muscles when combined with weight lifting .
try driniking milk around one or two glass as a snack before and after a is very good source for anorexia nervosa
2 Rice
Rice is low carb source. It is very helpful to bulking.1 cup cooked rice provide 190 calories to gain heaviness in body,43 grams carbs and very little fat.
Calori-dense of rice is very is very helpful for bulking body in can easily obtain hight calories weight gain foods.
This is help you eat more food.especialy if your are appetite or get full quickly.
Another methods is to prepare a large pot of rice for a week and combine healthy fats and protiens.
3 Nuts and nuts butter
If you are loking how to gain mass on face in 7 days or how to gain muscle for skinny guys at home nuts and nuts butter are perfect choice.
One small handful almond contain 7 grams protiens and 18 grams healthy many diet plan is available but almonds,nuts and nuts butter is the best and cheap diet plan for weight gain.
2 handfull per day with meal as a snack quickly add hundreds of calories.
Nut butter add in some of varities like yogurt,smoothies and many more.
4 Red meat
If you are looking how to gain weight in 3 days or how to gain weight in a weak. redmeat is one of the best option of muscle building.
5 Potato
Potato is very easy and cost-effective way to add in extra calories.
Try to choose one
Sweet potatos
Winter vegetables
Potato not only help for bulk our body they are increase your muscle glycogen stores.
Glycogen is one of fuel source for sports and activities.
6 Butter
Butter is high in callories yoa can add butter in your nutrition.102 calories in 1 table spoon butter is very healthy and load with fat.
Cheese like a dark chocolate.its is loaded with high fats and is good source of can eat it in latger quantity.if you are suffer from anemia then bring cheese in high quantity cause it is very good source of protein.
7 Whole eggs
Egg is one most healthiest muscle building food on the earth.if you suffer from sickle cell anemia then you bring a eggs in a day because whole eggs
Helps you fight with cell anemia diseases.they provide a high quality fats and protiens.
Its is also important to eat whole egg. Beneficial nutrients in egg are found in the yolk.
8 vitamins
vitamin b are impoertant for metabolism.
It is very helpful for health maintaince.
But vitamin e is harfull for weight gain,
fortified milk provide vitamin d
keto diet
1. sea food
2. low carb vegetables
3. cheese
4. avocaos
5. meat and poultry
6. egg
7. coconut oil
8. olive oil
9. nuts seed berries
10. butter and cream