June 2022, Mumbai, India: Many countries around the world have been infected by Monkeypox and the numbers are increasing daily. Other countries, including India, are also at risk because the virus is spreading too fast.
Monkeypox is a zoonotic nature disease that transmits through close physical contact with someone who is infected with the virus. Everyone is at risk, especially the health workers, household members, and sexual partners. The only positive news is that infected people recover within a few weeks if the right treatment is given at the right time.
As more cases of Monkeypox are expected, the healthcare industry is preparing for the same. The virus requires a robust treatment. If things are not taken care of properly, the virus is going to spread just like Coronavirus, infecting a large population.
To control the spread of the Monkeypox virus, the health industry is continuously informing and updating everything to people about the same. Also, they are working hard to determine the source of infection, how the virus is spreading, and how to limit further transmission. Almost all the countries are contributing to the fight against this virus.
Monkeypox Can Be Prevented!
Not many people know this, but it's true that Monkeypox can be prevented. For Indians, it would be great news because no case of Monkeypox has been found as yet in India. People should make efforts and stop the virus from entering. And truly speaking, this is the right time.
Self-care is one of the best ways to prevent Monkeypox. People should follow all the safety protocols like they should avoid physical contact with people who are sick, wear mask, wash hands regularly, and keep hands away from eyes, nose and mouth. Other than this, people should buy Power Plate or join a fitness center that uses the same.
Power Plate is a medical-graded device that works on whole-body vibration technology. The muscles contract 25 to 50 times per second while exercising on the Power Plate platform. Different studies say that the same technology was used for helping Coronavirus patients recover from its long-term symptoms.
Power Plate improves muscles, bone strength, and general health. It stimulates reflexes, increases muscle activation, and improves blood circulation. To fight against Monkeypox, Power Plate helps by improving the immune system and increasing the removal of toxin.
Power Plate unlocks unlimited health benefits, including the prevention of Monkeypox. The effect of the Power Plate is not temporary but for a lifetime if people continue using it in the right way. They just have to spend 15 minutes on this machine for full-body workout.
About Power Plate Company
Power Plate is for over 22 years the global leader in whole body vibration technology and has developed a reputable place in the professional sports, fitness and healthcare industry. Currently, the company is catering to over 100 countries, including India.
The whole body vibration (WBV) is the therapeutic method that exposes the body to various levels of vibration, treating or preventing many health problems.
To know more, visit https://powerplate.in/