Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art technique which is used to practice the self-defense. It involves the method of both the striking as well as grappling there are different characteristics in this technique of martial arts which include practicing structure, balance, relaxation, stance, centerline, punches, and kicks, trapping skills, uncommitted techniques, sensitivity, and close range training. In the training of Wing Chun, the Wing Chun dummy plays an important role.
Mook Jong
This form of wooden dummy technique involves the arm and the leg configuration which helps to improve both the fighting skills and chi as well. This dummy is also called “Alive Dummy.” The Mook Jong dummy comprises three arms and one leg that represents the body areas of the opponent. This wooden dummy also represents the lines of force which can be given out by the body.
Benefits of Mook Jong
The Mook Jong usually has a springiness which is quite similar to the human opponents’ automatic response. This benefits the user in practicing and absorbing the force into the user’s stand. Mook Jong wooden dummies are very important in Wing Chun martial arts technique. It helps you to learn the basic principles of every move. Many individuals nowadays install them at their home and apartment to practice and polish their moves. To be strong as a fighter in any style of martial arts certain attributes and qualities are required to achieve success:
• Speed
Speed helps to put your weight behind to generate more brute force. With this one can practice a move over and over without any obstruction and in a way the body will memorize the muscle movements.
• Accuracy
By practicing on a wooden dummy enables the fighter to learn how to position their body with the opponent correctly. This, in turn, will increase the accuracy of your movement in a split second.
• Power
By practicing more on a dummy, fighters can attain a full body power with the help of speed and force
• Timing
The dummy is excellent to train and how to move smoothly from one move to another.
Three reasons you need a Wing Chun practice dummy
• Distance Training:Knowing the right distance is essential because the power you use to strike doesn’t matter if you cannot reach the target. It helps you to practice your range, so you comprehend the distance between your movement and the opponent.
• All-around Training - With a wooden dummy you also get to practice the Mook Jong form.Also because there is springiness in the dummy it responses automatically like a human that helps to develop your skills.
• Being Independent - The most important reason to get your dummy is being able to practice at any time you want.