George was the project manager of a company specializing in phone sales whose life was totally a mess before he started to get a M3 electric skateboards involved in his life. Just like others who were greatly troubled with the traffic congestions they frequently confronted, there was no exception to George as well. Every day, he was obliged to drive across a couple of streets taking almost an hour, six times longer than the uncongested time. Knowing that, he developed a habit of getting up much earlier trying to avoid the rush hours by sacrificing of his sleeping time.
Yet piles of new problems arrived leaving him no energy to deal with them. Even though he had got rid of the terrible transportation condition by leaving for the office earlier than others, he could never keep himself away from the rush hours, he definitely have to confront this when going back home. Consequently, he slept only 6 hours on average.
Long time’s lack of sleep drained him of energy and forced him to make a considerable number of errors at work. He knew that it was time to make a change and try other ways. And he was lucky to have a friend who suggested him to ride an Airwheel electric scooter to complement his means of commuting.
As for the Airwheel self-balancing scooter, there were at least two points to make. To begin with, owing to its tininess and comparatively higher speed than cycling, one was able to scoot through the crowded streets without any trouble and avoid unpunctuality. More importantly, while the intelligent scooter benefited its users, it was environmentally friendly and could be of great benefit to the environment as well. Just try!
For Media Contact:
Contact Person: Mr Tang
Company: Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd
Phone: +8618861270200
[email protected]