Recent reports show crime has increased by 9% in the UK over the past year with the UK now being Europe's most burgled nation. Most families are beefing up their security this summer to ensure a safe year for themselves and their loved ones.
“The greatest impact of an intruder in your home is not so much what is stolen, but the emotional effects of feeling violated and a sense of insecurity that may linger for months,” says James Mullen. Director of Titus Alarm & CCTV. “We urge those who do not have intruder alarms to install them and those who have existing intruder alarms to maintain them.”
There are a number of advanced intruder alarms on the market and many older models still in use. Household insurers require a certain level of intruder alarm system to be installed in any insured premises, but it is vital that this is kept functioning optimally not just for insurance purposes, but to ensure the safety of everyone in the building.
“Intruder alarms are designed to minimise the risk of a break-in and to satisfy insurance requirements,” says Mullen. “But they are rendered useless if they are not properly used or maintained. Many people still do not activate their alarm systems when they leave their homes or activate the alarm system at night.”
The main reasons people do not activate their alarms is that they feel it is unnecessary or they are constantly disturbed by false alarms. Recent crime statistics clearly suggest activating the alarm system is indeed necessary, and insurance companies will agree.
“On the other hand, frequent false alarms could indicate a larger problem that the alarm system isn't working optimally,” says Mullen. “Much like the tale of the boy who cried wolf, it is counter-productive to have an alarm that goes off for no reason and this problem needs to be attended to as a matter of urgency.”
False alarms also create annoyance for neighbours, security companies and law enforcement who have to respond to alarms. To avoid this, people do not activate their alarms, leading to higher risk of intrusion and loss of insurance cover in cases of a claim arising.
Newer intruder alarms and those that are well maintained will not cause the issues associated with false alarms. “A well maintained intruder alarm where the beams and sensors are appropriately positioned and serviced will function optimally and minimise false alarms,” says Mullen. “Newer alarm systems are pet tolerant and are not set off by animals up to 85lb.”
Intruder alarm systems can be upgraded to improve performance and to increase security. This can be achieved by replacing sensors or installing cameras that can connect to smart applications, allowing peace of mind on the go. Zones can also be reprogrammed to create pet-friendly areas that will still activate in the event of an intruder.
“Many people tend to ignore a malfunctioning intruder alarm system thinking it will never happen to them, until it does,” says Mullen. “Regular intruder alarm maintenance is essential. All electronic devices require some measure of maintenance and an alarm system is no different. Regular maintenance and servicing can make the world of difference in the event of attempted intrusion.”
“Titus Alarm & CCTV is at the forefront of home security in supplying, installing, maintaining and repairing alarm systems to protect you, your loved ones and your possessions around the clock and throughout the year,” concludes Mullen.
About us:
Titus Alarm & CCTV is at the forefront of home security in the UK, supplying, installing, maintaining and repairing home alarm and safety systems to protect life and property across the UK around the clock and throughout the year. Titus Alarm & CCTV carries our full and free site surveys that will quickly highlight security needs at any premises, from full installation to servicing and maintenance. Titus Alarm & CCTV makes use of local installers and security experts who have technical expertise as well as knowledge of security risks in every area and can respond quickly and efficiently to any call. Titus Alarm & CCTV can tailor make security solutions suited to every requirement and budget. For more information, please visit: